CoFi Analytics
Medical Plan Co-Fiduciary Services

Medical Plan Co-Fiduciary Services

Do you know how much money your broker is making? Probably Not.

You probably have a co-fiduciary for your retirement plan that keeps your retirement plan in great financial shape. Why don’t you do the same for your medical and benefits plans?

Up until the early 2000s, the retirement plan service provider space was dominated by brokers and insurance companies.  The results were enormous fees paid to the retirement plan service provider community, which factored directly into compromised net investment returns for plan participants.  Now, participants are paying a fraction of these fees and enjoying a vastly improved array of services.  What accounted for this startling improvement?  Good governance, fee transparency and the emergence (and now universality) of the retirement plan fiduciary committee/co-fiduciary advisor model.

The skyrocketing costs of healthcare for employers are never going to stop growing until employers begin to focus on governance and transparency and insist that their intermediaries (between the employer and the insurance companies) have an absolute, legally enforceable, fiduciary duty to the employer and employees, complete fee transparency and no side arrangements with insurance carriers.  Employers will see in their health and welfare plans the same revolutionary improvements that they saw in their retirement plans, but only when this model is used.  We feel this model is inevitable, and we are built on accelerating and implementing this obvious solution to the skyrocketing healthcare cost problem.  

We assist employers with installing a fiduciary governance and service provider structure that eradicates these problems and puts services on these types of plans on the path to fiduciary best practices.